Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Hi! My name is Mattie, and I am a recently-converted pescatarian (get it? pesky Mattie, pesky-tarian? punny, no?). While I discovered, to my chagrin, that pescatarian is not, in fact, a real word acknowledged by the OED, it is nonetheless what I have become. I have eschewed all meat products save for fish and select other seafood products, as well as leather, fur, gelatin, and any cosmetic or cleaning product tested on animals.
Being someone who loves to cook, the first crisis I encountered after the change was "How do I make this without bacon?!" So many recipes just don't seem the same without their traditional meaty ingredients, and making dinner delicious without the aid of pan drippings, chicken stock, or any of the other animal products I used to take for granted is proving to be quite a challenge. My adventures in creating new, meat-free and delicious foods needed chronicling, and I've decided to share those chronicles with the lovely audience of the internet. This is where you come in.
Here you can share in my adventures, mishaps, and discoveries, as well as occasionally laughing at my horrific failures. I hope to be able to include images with as many recipes and stories as possible, as encouragement to try some of the dishes posted. Many dishes will be seafood or fish meals, but I'm also making endeavors into vegetarian, and occasionally even vegan meals. I even have some vegan baking recipes to share!
So if you've ever faced a time-honored family recipe, and been stymied by the question "How do I make this without bacon?" I might just be able to show you.

1 comment:

  1. What?! You aren't going to have any meat-filled recipes?! I can deal with that, I guess. I'm up for some change. :)
